HELI SKYCARGO provides its customers with digital shipment information through its mobile application Helitrack in order to assist the customer to receive real-time information and gain greater visibility on the shipment status of their helicopters


HELI SKYCARGO commits to protect your personal information by complying with the operative legislation concerning personal data protection in the Philippines, namely Republic Act No. 10173, otherwise known as the “Data Privacy Act of 2012” (“DPA”).

This Privacy and Personal Data Protection Policy (“Policy”) details how HELI SKYCARGO collects and uses your personal data, and informs you about the personal data protection measures HELI SKYCARGO has put in place.


In providing the Services to you, HELI SKYCARGO may collect, store, and use your personal data. To access our Services, or to process a transaction between yourself and a third party, we may request personal information such as your name, address, phone number, email address and other information that renders you identifiable. Thus, when you opt to avail of HELI SKYCARGO’s Services, you consent to the collection, storage, use, disclosure, transfer, and processing of your information only as described in this Policy.

Unless you provide your personal information for the use of HELI SKYCARGO’s Services, you remain anonymous when you browse this website. We do not collect personal information if you are only browsing this website.


HELI SKYCARGO collects personal information from you only when you choose to provide the same to HELI SKYCARGO when you use our Services, such as when you register to our mobile app, or when you provide personal information to HELI SKYCARGO through our Customer Support Center. This personal information encompasses information communicated to us when you voluntarily complete an application form presented on our website, which makes it possible to identify you. By volunteering personal information, you undertake to communicate accurate and up-to-date information that does not prejudice the interest of any third parties.

We implement reasonable and appropriate security measures required under the DPA when we collect, store, and process your personal information in the Philippines. We shall comply with the applicable laws and regulations should we transfer the storage and/or processing of your personal information outside the country.


Upon giving us consent, we may collect, store, use, disclose, transfer, and/or process the information for the following purposes:

  • To enable you to access and use HELI SKYCARGO ‘s services; and/or
  • To personalize and improve aspects of our overall service to you and our other users
  • To communicate with you, in order to verify the personal information provided, or to request any additional information that is vital to fulfilling the service you have applied for; and/or
  • To send you information about services which we think may be of interest to you; and/or
  • To pass on information about you as set forth in Section 6 below (Passing on information about you).

Where you decided to use HELI SKYCARGO’s services and enrolled through the HELI SKYCARGO mobile app, HELI SKYCARGO may disclose and transmit your personal data to service provider for further processing by the latter on matters related to your shipment(s). Once your application form together with your personal data are so transferred, HELI SKYCARGO’s responsibility shall be limited to verifying the accuracy of your personal information. The approval of your application form shall depend entirely on HELI SKYCARGO.

At no point will we sell, distribute, or lease your personal information to third parties unless we have your permission, or are required to do so under the law.


Collected personal information is retained for the period necessary to carry out the purposes stated in Section 5 (Purpose of Information) above. To protect the confidentiality of your personal data within the context of Section 5 (Purpose of Information) above, HELI SKYCARGO undertakes to exert all reasonable efforts and to take all practical steps to ensure that collected data is protected against any loss, misuse, unauthorized or accidental modification, access or disclosure, alteration or destruction, during the period of retention of the information. We guarantee that your personal data is permanently deleted once it is no longer required to fulfill its original purpose, or as required by the law.


HELI SKYCARGO takes all reasonable steps to ensure that your information is accurate, complete, not misleading and kept up-to-date, consistent with the purpose for which the information was collected.

You may write to us if you would like access to your personal information, how your personal data were used, any disclosures of your personal data, and/or the reason for the disclosure of your personal data to the intended recipients. You may likewise contact us to correct personal information that is inaccurate, incomplete, misleading or not up-to-date. Finally, should you wish to withdraw your consent to the collection, storage, and use of your personal information, please let us know and we will address your concern. For contact details, please see Section 13 (Inquiry) below.

We will exert reasonable efforts to resolve and/or address requests for access and information changes, as well as notices on withdrawal of consent, insofar as HELI SKYCARGO’s database is concerned, within a reasonable time from receipt of said request. HELI SKYCARGO shall have no obligation to correct personal information already transmitted to service provider.


You agree to receive communications from us via email, post, telephone or by text of products, services and other offers we think may be of interest to you.

Whenever you provide us with personal information, you have an opportunity to object or withdraw your consent to us and others using and sharing your information for marketing purposes. Unless and until we receive your objection or withdrawal of your consent, you are consenting to such uses.

Any electronic marketing communications we send you will include clear and concise instructions to follow should you wish to unsubscribe at any time.

Should you no longer wish to be contacted by us, you can advise us at any time by contacting us on +9179459991 or by sending an email to info@heliskycargo.com as well as through the contact details in Section 13 (Inquiry) below.


In order to ensure the Services we provide you continue to meet your needs, we may ask you for feedback on your experience of using the mobile app. Any feedback you provide will only be used as part of our program of continuous improvement and will not be published on the mobile app or on our website.


A cookie is a very small text file placed on your computer. Cookies help us to:

  • understand browsing habits on this Website;
  • understand the number of visitors to this Website and the pages visited; and
  • remember you when you return to this Website so we can provide you with a better browsing experience.

Most cookies are deleted as soon as you close your browser, these are known as session cookies. Others, known as persistent cookies, are stored on your computer either until you delete them or they expire. By using this Service or visiting our website, you consent to us using cookies.

This website uses the following cookies:

Google Analytics
The Google Analytics cookie allows us to see information on user website activity including, but not limited to page views, referral and average time spent on the website. The information is de-personalised and is displayed as numbers, meaning it will not be tracked back to individuals, which helps to protect your privacy. Using Google Analytics we can see what content is popular on our website, and strive to ensure you have the best user experience possible.

We use Google Analytics remarketing codes to log when users view specific pages or take specific actions on the website. This allows us to provide targeted advertising in the future.
You can choose to block or delete cookies through your browser settings. If you decide to block or delete our cookies, you will not be able to benefit from the full range of our Services and this may affect the performance of our website on your system.


For questions or concerns regarding this Policy, the processing of your information, and your rights under the DPA, you may contact our Data Protection Officer through the following details:


San Jose Building
1/F, Tagaytay Road
Santa Rosa City, 4026, Laguna